Diet Dots and Similar Supplements

Diet Dots and Similar Supplements
One trick diet companies use to fool us, is to convince us that something is exotic. You see, we all feel that exotic fruits and herbs must be more effective than what is local.

For example, which berry would you think is more effective? Acai (pronounced "ah-sah-hi") or blueberries? Well, the Acai must be more convincing because people seem to buy more acai supplements than blueberry ones.

One of these products is Diet Dots. Diet Dots containe vitamin B12, Acai berry extract, and bitter orange extract and they promise to help suppress your appetite. Diet dots don't contain any calories, and they don't actually cost that much, but most importantly, they don't really contain anything that could work.

We suggest you learn to avoid these products, there is nothing in them, and you'll likely see no results from them.

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